Welcome to the Manchester Morris Web-site

Manchester Morris and its predecessor team, the Manchester Morris Men, have been dancing since 1930 and dance both North-west Clog Morris and Cotswold Dances.  Over the years, we have danced in many places and at all sorts of events.  On Thursday evenings in summer you may see us dancing outside one of the pubs in the local area, and at weekends we may be away in other parts of the UK or Europe.

Buxton, July 2017
dancing in Butxon , July 2017

The North-west Dances we perform are from Oldham, Mossley, New Mills, Godley Hill, Colne, Medlock, and Abram. And the Cotswold Dances, selected each year by the squire, are from various villages in Oxfordshire and neighbouring counties. These currently include dances from Bampton, Bledington, Bucknall, Fieldtown and Lichfield.

There are currently around 15 active members, and the music for the team normally consists of a melodeon (or two), whistle, concertina and accordion, with the addition of a drum for the North-west dances.

To contact Manchester Morris, or ask if we can perform at your event, please the Bagman (Secretary) of Manchester Morris.
Alternatively, if you do not have email, phone George on 01625 404279, or 07854 713207

If javascript is disabled on your computer, the Manchester Morris email address is

Free Morris Dance Workshops -- for men and women. No booking needed.

Thursday evenings 7.30pm to 9.30pm

We are currently in our dancing out season but will be resuming workshops in September 2024. We will provide a date as soon as it has been confirmed.

at St Mathews Church Hall, Stretford, M32 9AJ (off Chapel Lane)

Questions? -- contact George on 01625 404279, or 07854 713207.
-- alternatively email us at: email@manchestermorrismen.org.uk

For a 'different take' on Manchester Morris, along with other photos and details on events, find us on Facebook

Where to see us

We are currently in our dancing out season. We will be at various locations on Thursday nights with the location updated below once confirmed 26th June 2024 8:00pm The Axe and Cleaver, School Lane, Dunham, WA14 4SE 20th July 2024 All day Buxton Day of Dance - various spots around Buxton

The Colne dance, danced at Limassol Castle in Cyprus in October 2015


Last Modified 31 October 2023